Friday 17 October 2014


Rom 10:14-15
Isaiah 52:7
John 4
Matthew 28: 18-20

Hello and welcome, heir of the father, to today's message. I will try my best to post  on a weekly basis and maybe later, every other day but we will see how it goes. Today I am going to try to kill two birds with one stone. While delivering the message, I also hope to answer the question, "Why did you start this blog?"

You are probably thinking its a bit unwise to make my first post about evangelism but I think its fundamental and something that we all should be doing and do not do enough of. I'll do this by giving three reasons why I share the word and you should too!!!

Three Reasons Why I Share The Word and You Should Too.
  1. Cuz I'm nice like that. I'll make an example with Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4). She was so glad and overwhelmed with the prospect of salvation that she could not help but spread the word to everyone around her (verses 28 and 29). We will notice that in verses 39-42 that many who heard her story believed in Jesus. Its like finding a new great restaurant or a good movie, you instinctively recommend it to people because you like it so much and would like to share it with them. Same goes for us as Christians. If you are reading this and still wondering why you should share the word, the answer is because you love them; beacuse you are an heir of the father and hence, you love everyone. Ask yourself today: Could you bear knowing that there are people who have a glorious inheritance in Christ, who are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, who have authority over every power and principality, who have been died for, who presently have Jesus; knocking at the door of their hearts, waiting to be invited in and do not even know it?!
  2. Cuz you should. Question: If God tells you right now that you have been called to share his word, would you? If yes, then take a look at Matthew 28: 18-20. As children of God, it is our responsibility to spread the good news.
  3. If not you, then who? "And how can they hear unless someone preaches to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?" You, child of God, reading this, are sent; commissioned even, to spread the word. Besides, Jesus would never give you a cross that is too hard for you to carry.

Just think about it.

  • It doesn't necessarily have to be preaching in front of an audience in a traditional sense. It can be singing in the choir, playing and instrument, through drawings and animations or, like me, writing. We are in the twenty-first century, be creative!!
  • You don't have to have all the answers. For we know in part and prophesy in part. Just say what you know. For example, "Jesus loves you." It would surprise you have many people aren't truly aware of this fact.
  • Remember how your life changed when you were saved. Wouldn't it be nice to be a part of that change in someone's life as well?
Let's Talk!

  • What was salvation to you? You can partake in this discussion by putting it in the comment box or sending me an email.
  • Do you think that Christians nowadays do not place enough priority on sharing the word?
  • Which other ways can one minister apart from the ones aforementioned?
Dear Lord, I am thankful for the gift of salvation and would also like others to partake in this gift with me. Please give me the grace to share your word today.

Go ahead and spread the good news today!!!

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